$79.97 USD

Course 110: The Lord's Supper: A Eucharistic Revival - One Time Payment


In this 20 week online course based on his loved book "The Lord's Supper - A Eucharistic Revival, John Michael will lead you through lessons and reflections that will guide you into a richer and more fruitful celebration of the source and summit of our faith - Jesus in the Eucharist!

What you'll get:

  • A Morning and Evening Lesson delivered each Monday for 20 weeks.

  • Once all lessons are delivered to your library you will have access to the entire course for as long as the Inner Room School exists!

  • Access to the Inner Room School Community and John Michael Talbot to post online  questions and discussion points!

HIGHLY RECOMMENDED:  Purchase John Michael Talbot's Book: The Lord's Supper - A Eucharistic Revival CLICK HERE.