$39.95 USD

Course 109: The Lord's Supper - 3 Part Course (Music, Teaching Exposition)

In this three part video series,  John Michael Talbot shares what he has presented in limited personal appearances around the theme of the Eucharistic Revival.

The first video is music with guided meditations.

The second video is teaching on the significance of the Eucharist as a personal encounter with Jesus Christ, and an opening up of heaven here on earth.

The third video is Eucharistic Adoration with quiet, meditative music. John Michael says that this was his favorite because it’s centered and not on him in the least, but unquestionably on Jesus and heaven on earth alone.

Anyone who purchases from this day on will receive immediate access.

You will receive three (3) videos:

  • Access to all this entire course / experience for 1 Year!
  • Access to the Inner Room School Community and John Michael Talbot to post online  questions and discussion points!

HIGHLY RECOMMENDED:  Purchase John Michael Talbot's Book: The Lord's Supper - A Eucharistic Revival HERE.